When & Where to Send Recommendations

When & Where to Send Recommendations
We just finished renovating our new dream home! Please pay careful attention to the following guidelines to ensure that your sponsorship form reaches the right place! Mail sponsorship forms to: Delta Gamma Attn: Jessica Ferns 131 E. 15th Ave Columbus, Ohio 43201 Or email them to: Your Delta Gamma collegian or alumna can find a copy of the sponsorship form in the Delta Gamma library.
What to Include in your Sponsorship Packet

What to Include in your Sponsorship Packet
- Recommendation form completed by a Delta Gamma Alumna or collegian. - Resume - Photo Information that will be helpful to your sponsor: 1. High School 2. GPA 3. ACT/SAT scores 4. Class Rank 5. Family Greek Affiliations
Tips & FAQs

Tips & FAQs
Tips - While letters of recommendation are not required, we do recommend and strongly encourage them - The DG sponsoring is responsible for mailing the sponsorship packet, not the PNM - It is courteous for the PNM to provide her sponsor with a stamped and addressed envelope for them to use to mail to the chapter - Be sure to thank your sponsor! FAQs Q: How can I register for recruitment? A: Visit Q: Can I send in a letter of recommendation for informal recruitment in the Fall? A: At this time, Delta Gamma has no plans to participate in informal recruitment 2016. We will however be at the Involvement Fair, Greek Carnival, Fall into Philanthropy and Fall Preview for other opportunities to learn more about our chapter. Q: Am I considered a legacy? A: A legacy is a sister, daughter, granddaughter or great-grand daughter (inclusive of step-relations for all) of an initiated Delta Gamma member. Q: I am a niece/cousin/other relative of a Delta Gamma, should I still indicate this when I register for recruitment? A: Yes!!!! Q: Can I contact someone to make sure my recommendation was received? A: Yes. Email